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Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

About Collect Flag

Do you know the flags of various nations in the world? Here is a game that will allow you to learn about most of the flags of countries around the world while playing this fun and amazing game. The Collect Flag game gives you clues, most of which are physical characteristics of a certain country, a type of food popular in a country, or any other clue for you to collect the correct flag. The game is presented in the form of a track where you control the character to the right or left while collecting the flags on the right.
Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

You must collect the flag that matches the country whose track is displayed on the game interface to complete levels successively. If you don’t choose the right flag, you will recover and not be able to get through the flag which will now act as a huge barrier. This game offers unlimited gems that you must collect on your way to the goal. There are also unlimited flags to collect based on the available hints. In particular, the track environment changes in different levels of the game and you can also choose the type of tracks you want to play with.

Match suggestions with the correct flag

Guess the country where the hinted physical characteristic can be found and collect the respective flag. The game features easy-to-play gameplay that comes with simplistic 3D graphics. You will have a character that you control to collect the most appropriate flag based on the given clue. On the catwalk, you will have to choose the clues you want, including monuments, capitals, emoji, cuisine, fashion, company, artist, etc. For example, there are clues like the Leaning Tower of Pisa hinting at Italy, pyramids hinting at Egypt, the statue of Christ the Redeemer hinting at Brazil, the Eiffel Tower in Paris hinting at France, and more.

Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

According to these suggestions, you should collect the flag of that country. For example, you must select the French flag if the Eiffel Tower in Paris appears as a clue. If you don’t know the country the clue points to, you’ll end up choosing the wrong flag and fail. However, this does not make you lose the entire game. You’ll just ram the character into a stationary flag that acts as a barrier to your movement, wasting your time, and slowing your momentum. You must be fast enough to match the clues with the flag of the correct country to win all levels.

Correct Flag Game Features

This game offers several game levels that you can play, each with a different challenge. You will earn multiplied and unlimited money while you enjoy this attractive game. Here are some features that make the game stand out.

Interesting Gameplay: This game offers interesting gameplay that can be played by players of any age. Here, you will just have to match the hints displayed in the game interface with the correct flag. The character will run around the track and you must control him to collect the flag that matches the track.

Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

One of the most notable things that the simplistic 3D helps to vividly highlight is the movement of the collected flags fluttering in the wind. Download the game now and learn about the various landmarks, features, activities and other aspects of life happening in other countries. Simply match all these skins with the flag of that specific country and win at each level of the game.

Minimalist 3D Graphics: The game comes with simplistic 3D graphics that highlights the game environment in a cool way. The colors of the flags are clear and well captured and look just like real life. Furthermore, the movement of the character, as well as the movement of the flags, is realistic.

Collect Flag APK v1.0.0

Multiple levels: Collect Flags has multiple levels of play. You need to win one level to unlock the other. As you progress through the levels of the game, the challenges may also change. On one level you will be asked to match clues of monuments, while on another level you may have names of companies in various countries. Once you master where the hinted features are located, it will be easy to combine them with the flags of the countries that host them.

Electrifying Soundtrack: Apart from the exciting gameplay that the game offers, you will not get bored as the game features background music that simulates.

Download Collect Flag Game APK – Unlimited Gems

Download the Collect Flag APK on your Android device now and enjoy a cool game with multiple levels. You will also earn unlimited gems!

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